One whiff of autumn’s cider-laced breath, invokes an illusion of crackling leaves in
bonfire beauty, licking blotter soaked skies of its inky cursive and savoring eerie whispers, diluted by howling
winds, until the resonance tumbles its rhythm past purple-jade horizons. Then on through wavering orchards, ripe
with Eden apples, does it blow its whirling dance, tripping the light with ruby ladies, dangling their temptations,
freely on hording branches, broadening crooked fingers down into ghostly cornfields. Deep within its shaded sway, chamois-dipped
stalks withered devoid from harvest gleaning, now its unpopped overflow crackles in leaning Pisa silos and barnyard
red lofts as October’s wispy scarecrow frolics in his moonstruck mayhem, across fiery sunsets, blending
its persimmon array with the tumbling rush of chameleon leaves, windswept by Boreas’ jovial hiccupped guffaw, observing
the golden shafts of animated straw, catch the midnight magic to moondance with the horsemen in Sleepy Hollows of
pumpkin patch bewitchery!
©2005 c.t. gross
