We have unlocked all the cages ...
And unleashed these many dreams into the night;
hunters and prey, that which whether to seduce or ravage your sleep ...
None are left wholly immune.
Here we are again,
for those that are still left wanting of Blood, Old Lipstick & Black Magick and a peak into what even the shadows
refuse to keep. You may wish to never dream again ...
As you peer into the dark of Todd Bush's eye, and are given a glimpse of
what can be seen, if only you dare to look into the works of the Featured Writer for this issue ... You will not
be able to turn away, nor run from those memories of what he has to show you.
There are a few new faces drawn into our dark fold, as well as a few of those
that have come back again. The fresh blood of The Chosen have their own dark offerings for you. From Jason Earl's " Pool of
The Dead", the verse of Enigma, the dark songs of E.B.; and lastly, though far from the least- the haunting
voice of Alyssa Sturgill beckons from deeper still into those shadow-lands that are all about us.
Traci McMurray, Dee Adams and Ct Gross have returned for second helpings, as well,
what wanderings and meanderings, and what tales & songs Cree and I bring to this small bon-fire oasis of
huddled souls.
Come, join us in the night ...

Supernatural Habitat

To visit Horror Web ...
A small bite or two...
Hello, and welcome to the best and darkest inks upon the web! We are glad to have you, and trust you will not hesitate
to venture deeper into the pages of the myst to find Blood in its many mystifying forms, Old
Lipstick gathered at the corners of ancient lips which tremble now, as they tell darker heart songs and stories, and
Black Magick where what you see may not truly be what you get in the end, for knowing what
to expect beyond these things would ruin the very game of it! And so, Po and I welcome each of you to peruse, at your own
peril, and pleasure, that which is offered here at BOLBM.
As for me...within the trappings and business world of writing, I am known by SPDworks. Among my many friends and fellow
readers and writers of all things dark and dangerous, I am better known simply as 'Cree.' Picking up a gold Crayola
crayon early on in life, I wrote down my most intricate ideas (upon green, triple-lined paper) to be forever encased in plastic
lamination at my grandmother's insistance that my mother recognise her daughter's 'genius' of writing.~grins and rolls
eyes here~ Since those early moments that I, myself realised my affinity with the written word, I have progressed... (blessedly
And so after all this time, of scribbling onto notebook paper, paper napkins, and later tapping onto a square
screen, my hopes and dreams, fears and desires, I have finally come of age, to find myself in a grand positon to offer
not only my own pennings, but those of an incredible array of artists and wordsmiths. Whether you are familiar with them already,
perhaps, or have yet to meet our terrific contributors, you are surely in for quite a dark and delicious treat. I will say,
too, that nothing gets past Porphry nor myself without our own BOLBM 'bloody seal of approval,' before it
is published within the pages of the 'zine. In other words, there is not one single page that warrants the need of a 'fast
forward' button on your mental remotes~winks~ So enjoy the truly entertaining adventures here. And again, welcome!

Neon Notions... |